
The Attendance tool allows you to create attendance registers to track attendance for classes, labs, seminars, meetings, etc. as well as attendance schemes which allow you to create your preferred attendance statuses (e.g. “present”, “absent”, etc.)  Tutorials for the Attendance tool in D2L are linked below the following information about attendance tracking in myCamosun.

Attendance Tracking in myCamosun

Diligent attendance tracking (Principle 4 of the Grading Policy) must be recorded in myCamosun for each meeting time until the Add Course Deadline of every term to enable the automated process for backfilling seats.  The mandatory recording of attendance in myCamosun is different from recording attendance in D2L, which is optional.  eLearning does not provide support for myCamosun. However, documentation for faculty is available in the Colleague Learning Hub. There, you will find specific information on:

Attendance Tool Tutorials

You can create multiple attendance registers as well as multiple attendance schemes depending on what you are wanting to track.

Creating an Attendance Register

Creating an Attendance Scheme

Using your Attendance Scheme (applying it to a Register)